Party Details
We are looking forward to being together in person in this elegant setting once again.
Online Auction. For those who cannot attend in person, the option to participate in the silent auction is available to you online at no charge. Registration for this is still required. Our silent auction is online, but we will have a selection of items on display at Garden Party for your viewing pleasure.
Parking: Valet parking is included in your admission.
Food and drink: We will have regional wines, delicious appetizers, and exquisite surroundings as we come together to support the garden.
2:30 pm - Arrival begins so that you can enjoy the surroundings, partake in refreshments, peruse the auction items or the beautiful art-filled hallway.
3:45 pm - Silent Auction ends.
4:00 pm - Program begins, where we will have a live auction and raise the paddle, followed by our traditional dessert dash.
6:00 pm - The event ends.
Attire: 'Garden Formal,' it's time to dress up and have some fun.
Covid: We are optimistic that this event will happen in person as planned, but as with all things COVID-related, everything is subject to change. Masks and proof of vaccination may be required.
Contact kbgf@kruckeberg.org for more details.